How-to monitor disks temperature


Please note: This script has been created by Fredlime, member of a french Synology community Forum. It has originally been written in French. As a member of official Synology Community Forum, i decided (with Fred's agreement) to translate the script and fred's how-to page for english speaking community. Remember that translator is not my job so there might be translation error. If you want to help me to improve this translation, you can send me your comment to:
Thanks. Ikeke
  • Telnet access must be activated
  • IPKG (bootstrap) must be installed.


·         tps   ==> Only script needed to monitor the disk(s) of your DiskStation or CubeStation

You should download the script, unrar it and transfer it in the Synology without opening it in Windows.
Why ? because most of windows text editor will generate hidden ^M at the end of each lines once saved. That can be source of trouble for Linux. But, you can modify the script if you want to, directly with the Synology by using a text editor as ‘vi’ or ‘nano’ 

·         Example of daily report email => DS-10x 

·         Graph examples for CubeStation and DiskStation (here are samples of French graphs, in this English script, graphs are translated too)

CS-406 Graph

DiskStation 10x Series Graph



How does it work ?

To list all functions available, you have to type in a  TELNET window:

·         tps info

But before, you have to install it


1.      Download the script archive => Download
The tps.rar file has only 1 file called
tps, extract it directly in the Public share.

2.      Remember if you open the file to see its content, never modify and save it if you use a Windows text editor or the file would be corrupted.

3.      Open a 'telnet' window (use root as login user, not admin. Password is the same as admin password) and copy the file in the  '/bin' directory:
cd /volume1/public
cp tps /bin


4.      Change its permissions with the command:
chmod 777 /bin/tps

5.      Install 'smartmontools' IPKG package with command:
ipkg install smartmontools

This package is required, it allows the script to gather S.M.A.R.T information of the disk(s) such as temperatures, free space,…
Now test if S.M.A.R.T is enable on every disks :
smartctl -A /dev/hda  for disk n° 1 (for DiskStation DS-10x Series, you just have to enter this first line)
smartctl -A /dev/hdb  for disk n° 2
smartctl -A /dev/hdc  for disk n° 3
smartctl -A /dev/hdd  for disk n° 4

You should have something like that:

If one disk is missing, it probably means that S.M.A.R.T function is not enabled for the disk.
In this case, download this script '
tps-smart-on (Right Clic then "Save As...")'.
copy it in the Public folder  and then execute it with command:
sh /volume1/public/tps-smart-on.txt   (if windows added .txt to the name of the script) else
sh /volume1/public/tps-smart-on

If you’re now able to see a temperature, it means that the S.M.A.R.T function has successfully been enabled
you can now delete the script.
rm /volume1/public/tps-smart-on.txt or rm /volume1/public/tps-smart-on

6.      To send daily report emails, 'tps' script need 'esmtp' package to be installed,
To install it, in a telnet window, use this command:
ipkg install esmtp

You have nothing more to do, the 'tps' script will finish to configure 'esmtp'

7.      If you want to be able to have the graph function, you have to install the 'rrdtool'  package
ipkg install rrdtool

You have nothing more to do, the 'tps' script will finish to configure 'rrdtool'.


The script uses several parameters set in the Synology Web Administration Panel.

Thus, NAS server name will be used in the email subject and will be part of the graph file name (ie tps-cube16.png if the server name is cube16)

For email reports, you need to configure the mail information in the Synology Web Administration Panel: SMTP Server, your email address.

Changes made on this page will automatically be used by the script.

First Launch

  • tps config

    To configure the script, enter the above command in a  'telnet' window to…
    • Enable /Disable email reports. Enter 'yes' or 'no' or nothing to use the default value.
    • Enable /Disable graph image..
    • Choice of destination folder for graph image.
    • Time between each Temperature statements (in minutes)

Additional Commands

  • tps info
    Gives information about current configuration and list available commands.
  • tps stop
    Disable the script. Even after a reboot the script will stay in this status.
  • tps start
    Enable/ Restart the script.
  • tps mail
    Prepare and send a report email.
  • tps
    Generate a new temparature statement.
  • tps config
    Allow to change the script configuration.